The birds in the tree are singing. 木の中の鳥は歌っている.
A dog with a long tail is running. 長い尾をもった犬が走っている.
A friend of mine comes. 私のある友人が来る.
The trees by the gate are trembling.門のそばの木が揺れている.
I go there. 私はあそこに行く.
The sun shines brightly. 太陽はうららかに照る.
He came late. 彼は遅くに来た.
The airplane travels very fast. 飛行機はたいそう速く飛ぶ.
Who is laughing so loudly? 誰がそんなに大声で笑っているのか?
He will come before long. 彼は早く起きる.
We must go at once. われわれは帰ってゆかねばならぬ.
The sun rises in the east. 太陽は東に昇る.
They ran as fast as they could.彼等はできるだけ早く走った.
There is a vase on the table. テーブルの上に花瓶がある.
Here is the book. ここにその本がある.
・この型に属する動詞は be 以外の一般自動詞であり、それに副詞句などが付随す
・There is . Here is . も特殊な型であるが、この型に含まれる。
・be=exist(存在) の場合も、この型に入る。(The book is on the desk. など)
[第一文型] 第5型 S+V+Preposition and its Object[第一文型]
主語 完全自動詞 前置詞 前置詞の目的語 日本語訳
We go to school. 私たちは学校に行きます.
He called on me. 彼は私を訪ねてくれた.
(You) Look at the picture. その絵を見なさい.
He succeeded in winning the prize. 彼はその賞品を得ることに成功した.
I don't care about what you say. 私は君の言うことに頓着しません.
He sent for the doctor. 彼は医者を呼びに(人を)やった。
Japan consists of five large islands and many small ones.
Your success depends on your effort. 君の成功は努力如何にかかっている。
Now,listen to me. さあ、私の言うことを聞きなさい。
Don'tlaugh at him. 彼をあざけるな。
Happiness lies in contentment. 幸福は満足することにある。
I have not heard ( ) him. [解] of
I write( )him once a month. to
The sun shines ( ) everything on the earth. on ; upon
This differs ( ) what he says. from
What are you looking ( ) ? for
[第一文型] 第6型 S+V+to-Infinitive [第一文型]
主語 完全自動詞 to-Infinitive(目的) 日本語訳
He came to play with me. 彼は私と遊ぶために来た。
We must work to live. 我々は生きるために働かねばならぬ。
She went to buy meat. 彼女は肉を買いに行った。
The boy stopped to look at the picture.少年は絵を見るために立ち止まった。
Prof.S has flown to America S教授はその会議に出席するために、
to be present at the conference. 飛行機でアメリカへ行った。
・stopped to look at=stopped and looked at立ち止まって絵を見たでもよい。
・動詞は be,seem,appear以外の一般動詞である。 to-Infinitive は「目的」を
表わす副詞句である。第4型の Advervial Adjunct(副詞修飾語句)を付随させ
(inspect the educational system)
[解] He came to join us.
We must live (in order) to work.
What did Mother go to buy?
They stopped (in order) to have a rest.
Prof.Smith has come to our country (in order )
to inspect the educational system.
[第一文型] 第7型 S+V+to-Infinitive [第一文型]
主 語 完全自動詞 to-Infinitive(原因・結果)
He rejoiced to hear our success.
Bernard Shaw lived to be ninety-four.
She came to know the pointof the subject.
How did you come to write for the magazine ?
How can I get to know him ?
・動詞は be,seem,appear以外の一般動詞である。 to-Infinitive は「原因」ま
He regretted to hear of our failture.
Did anyone come to understand the meaning of it?
Dr.Noguchi lived only to be fifty-two.
Why did you come to speak for him ?
How could you get to know the musician ?
Did you rejoice to become a member of our society ?
[解] Is this a tube ?
Did the leaves turn red or yellow ?
Did the plan prove successful ?
Is he out?
Are you taller than I ?
Is seeing believing ?
天候は暖かくなりました。 The weather has become warmer.
私の兄は画家二なりました。 My elder brother has become a painter.
その計画は役にたたぬことがわかった。(useless) The plan proved useless.
彼の夢は実現した。(came true) His dream came true.
この木は紅葉しますか。 Will the leaves of this tree turnred ?
[第二文型] 第9型 S+V+C(=to-Infinitive) [第二文型]
主 語 不完全自動詞 補 語 ( to-Infinitive)
I happened to got here.
He seems not to notice me.
They appear to be rich.
Did you fail to catch the train ?
I to go there happened.[私がそこへ行くのがたまさか起こった]
He not to notice me seems. [彼が私に気がつかないことが思われる]
They to be rich appear.[彼等が金持ちであることが見える]
Did you to catch the train fail. [君がその列車に乗るのが失敗したのか]
He seems to know nothing about this matter.
I happened to pass by his house.
I failed to listen to his lecture on the air.
The children appear to be enjoying hiking.
The day happened to be fine and fair.
[第二文型] 第10型 S+V+C(=to-Infinitive) [第二文型]
主 語 不完全自動詞 補 語 ( to-Infinitive)
This house is to let.(米国では for rent)意図
We are to start tomorrow. 予定
They were to give a classmeeting. 予定
He looks ( to be ) a business man.
Theboy grew up ( to be ) a great artist.
The worst is still to come.
He is to arrive by the evening.
He seems not to be responsible for the error.
The poor boy grew up to be a great scientist.
I woke to find that all was white with snow outside.
He became to be quite healthy.
Is this house to let ?
[第二文型] 第11型 S+V+C(=Participle ) [第二文型]
主 語 不完全自動詞 補 語 (分詞)
I kept standing.
He went fishing.
They looked tired.
I kept readingallday.
They went camping at Karuisawa.
I kept reading all day yesterday.
They went camping at Kamikochi.
His name became known all over the world.
She came into the room unperceived.
What is he doing ? He seems fishing.
[第二文型] 第12型 S+V+C(=Noun Clause) [第二文型]
主 語 不完全自動詞 補 語 (名詞節)
The fact is that he keeps it secret.
The point is what I want to know.
This is where he was born.
This is how it went:-
The resalts were what we had expected.
This is how it took place.
This is where it took place.
That is why he refused to go.
This village is where my mother was born.
The fact is that he new the truth.