chabo - AI(Artificial incompetence) chabo(chat bot) module
use Encode; use Text::MeCab; sub text_parse{ my $s = shift; my $text = shift; my $parser = Text::MeCab->new(); my $n = $parser->parse(encode('utf-8',$text)); my @ret = (); do{ push(@ret,+{surface=>decode('utf-8',$n->surface),feature=>decode('utf-8',$n->feature)}); } while ($n = $n->next); return \@ret; }
sub put_together{ my $s = shift; my $word = shift||'わたし'; my @words = (); my $dbh = $s->app->model->webdb->dbh; # 最初の一言 my $sql = "select word1,word2 from @{[$s->markov]} where word1 like ? or word2 like ? order by rand() limit 1"; my $data = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql,+{Slice => +{}},'%'.$word.'%','%'.$word.'%'); push(@words,$data->[0]->{word1}); push(@words,$data->[0]->{word2}); # 後ろを作成 $sql = "select word1,word2,word3 from @{[$s->markov]} where word1 = ? and word2 = ? order by rand() limit 1"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); while(1){ $sth->execute($words[-2],$words[-1]); if(my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()){ if($ref->{word3} =~ /EOS/){ last; } push(@words,$ref->{word3}); }else{ last; } } # 前を作成 $sql = "select word1,word2,word3 from @{[$s->markov]} where word2 = ? and word3 = ? order by rand() limit 1"; $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); while(1){ $sth->execute($words[0],$words[1]); if(my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()){ unshift(@words,$ref->{word1}); }else{ last; } } return @words; }
package Tool::mmt::Controller::Chabo; use Mojo::Base 'Tool::mmt::Controller::Json'; =head1 NAME chabo - AI(Artificial incompetence) chabo(chat bot) module =cut use Encode; use Text::MeCab; has chatdata => 'test.chatdata'; has markov => 'test.markov'; sub sample_parse{ my $s = shift; my $r = $s->text_parse($s->get_para('text','テスト')); $s->json_or_jsonp( $s->render(json => $r, partial => 1)); } sub sample_put_together{ my $s = shift; my @t = (join('',$s->put_together($s->get_para('text','わたし')))); $s->json_or_jsonp( $s->render(json=>\@t,partial =>1)); } sub sample_get_time_line{ my $s = shift; my $r = $s->time_line(); $s->json_or_jsonp( $s->render(json => $r, partial => 1)); } sub talk{ my $s = shift; my $r = $s->text_parse($s->get_para('text','わたし')); my $w = $s->select_word($r); my @ans = (join('',$s->put_together($w))); unshift(@ans,$w); $s->json_or_jsonp( $s->render(json=>\@ans,partial =>1)); } sub chatbot{ my $s = shift; my $name = $s->get_para('name','no name'); my $action = $s->get_para('action',''); my $chat = $s->get_para('chat',''); my $id = $s->write_log($name,$chat); my $r = $s->text_parse($chat); my ($w,$ans); $w = $s->select_word($r); $ans = (join('',$s->put_together($w))); $ans = $s->arrange_text($ans); $s->put_markov($r,$id); $s->write_log('チャボ',$ans); $s->stash->{answer} = $ans; } sub arrange_text{ my $s = shift; my $text = shift; $text =~ s/^RT@[^:]+://g; return $text; } sub write_log{ my $s = shift; my $name = shift; my $chat = shift; return if($chat eq ''); my $dbh = $s->app->model->webdb->dbh; $dbh->do("INSERT INTO @{[$s->chatdata]} (name,chat) values (?,?)",undef,$name,$chat); return $dbh->{mysql_insertid}; } sub select_word{ my $s = shift; my $ws = shift; my @a = grep {$_->{feature} =~ '名詞'} @$ws; return $a[int(rand scalar @a)]->{ surface }; } sub get_para{ my $s = shift; my $item = shift||'text'; my $def = shift; my $t = $s->param($item); if ($t eq "") { $t = ref $s->req->json eq 'HASH' ? $s->req->json->{$item} : $def; } return $t } sub text_parse{ my $s = shift; my $text = shift; my $parser = Text::MeCab->new(); my $n = $parser->parse(encode('utf-8',$text)); my @ret = (); do{ push(@ret,+{surface=>decode('utf-8',$n->surface),feature=>decode('utf-8',$n->feature)}); } while ($n = $n->next); return \@ret; } sub put_together{ my $s = shift; my $word = shift||'わたし'; my @words = (); my $dbh = $s->app->model->webdb->dbh; # 最初の一言 my $sql = "select word1,word2 from @{[$s->markov]} where word1 like ? or word2 like ? order by rand() limit 1"; my $data = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql,+{Slice => +{}},'%'.$word.'%','%'.$word.'%'); push(@words,$data->[0]->{word1}); push(@words,$data->[0]->{word2}); # 後ろを作成 $sql = "select word1,word2,word3 from @{[$s->markov]} where word1 = ? and word2 = ? order by rand() limit 1"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); while(1){ $sth->execute($words[-2],$words[-1]); if(my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()){ if($ref->{word3} =~ /EOS/){ last; } push(@words,$ref->{word3}); }else{ last; } } # 前を作成 $sql = "select word1,word2,word3 from @{[$s->markov]} where word2 = ? and word3 = ? order by rand() limit 1"; $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); while(1){ $sth->execute($words[0],$words[1]); if(my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()){ unshift(@words,$ref->{word1}); }else{ last; } } return @words; } sub time_line{ my $s = shift; my $limit = shift||50; my $start = shift||0; my $dbh = $s->app->model->webdb->dbh; my $sql = "select UPD_TIME,name,chat from @{[$s->chatdata]} order by SEQ_NO desc limit ?,?"; my $data = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql,+{Slice => +{}},$start,$limit); return $data; } sub put_markov{ my $s = shift; my $r = shift; my $id = shift; my $dbh = $s->app->model->webdb->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("insert @{[$s->markov]} (word1,word2,word3,chat_No,part) values (?,?,?,?,?)"); if (@$r > 2 ) { # 「2語の接頭語と1語の接尾語」のマルコフ連鎖テーブルを作成 # $markov{接頭語前}{接頭語後ろ}[no]=接尾語 の形式 # $markov{$wakatigaki[0]}{$wakatigaki[1]}[]=$wakatigaki[2]; for (my $i = 2 ; $i < @$r ; $i++) { $sth->execute($r->[$i-2]->{surface} ,$r->[$i-1]->{surface},$r->[$i]->{surface} ,$id,$r->[$i-2]->{feature}); } } } 1;
<html> <head> <title>chabo</title> </head> <body> <answer><%= stash('answer') %></answer> </body> </html>
- Mojo::JSONにnewが無いここで助けてもらう
--- 2018-02-21 20:42:20.163489464 +0900 +++ 2018-02-21 06:15:52.791489028 +0900 @@ -3,5 +3,6 @@ use Mojolicious::Lite; use DateTime; -use Mojo::JSON; +# use Mojo::JSON; +use Mojo::JSON qw(encode_json); use Mojo::UserAgent; use Encode qw/from_to decode_utf8 encode_utf8 decode encode/; @@ -38,5 +39,5 @@ } - my $json = Mojo::JSON->new; +# my $json = Mojo::JSON->new; my $dt = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Asia/Tokyo'); @@ -57,9 +58,10 @@ $self->app->log->debug('clients', Dumper $clients->{$_}); $clients->{$_}->send( - decode_utf8($json->encode({ +# decode_utf8($json->encode({ + decode_utf8(encode_json{ hms => $dt->hms, name => $name, text => $message, - })) + }) ); @@ -67,9 +69,10 @@ if($txt ne ''){ $clients->{$_}->send( - decode_utf8($json->encode({ +# decode_utf8($json->encode({ + decode_utf8(encode_json{ hms => $dt->hms, name =>'チャボ', text => $txt, - })) + }) ); }
my $r = 0; do{$hand->{'pc'}->{hand} = $handArray->[int(rand()*3)];$hand->{'pc'}->{name} = $cpname} if(keys %$hand == 1); $r |= 1 << $handItem->{$hand->{$_}->{hand}} for(keys %$hand); $win = ('','DRAW','DRAW',,$handArray->[0],'DRAW',$handArray->[2],$handArray->[1],'DRAW')[$r]; $diffusion->('判定',join('|',(map{$hand->{$_}->{name}.$hand->{$_}->{hand}} keys %$hand), qw(不明 引き分け 引き分け グーの勝ち 引き分け パーの勝ち チョキの勝ち 引き分け)[$r]));
#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use Mojolicious::Lite; use DateTime; use Mojo::JSON qw(encode_json); use Mojo::UserAgent; use Encode qw/from_to decode_utf8 encode_utf8 decode encode/; use Data::Dumper qw/Dumper/; my $clients = {}; my $jankenStat = 0; my $handItem = {'✊'=> 0, '✌'=> 1, '✋'=> 2}; my $handArray = [sort {$handItem->{$a} <=> $handItem->{$b}} keys %$handItem]; my $hand = {}; my $win = ''; my $cpname = 'ちゃぼ'; my $DEBUG = 0; get '/' => sub { my $self = shift; $self->stash->{hand} = $handArray; } => 'index'; get '/time_line' => sub { my $s = shift; my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new; my $ans = $ua->get(Mojo::URL->new(""))->res; $s->render(json => $ans->json); }; websocket '/echo' => sub { my $self = shift; Mojo::IOLoop->stream($self->tx->connection)->timeout(0); app->log->debug(sprintf 'Client connected: %s', $self->tx) if($DEBUG); my $id = sprintf "%s", $self->tx; app->log->debug("id:".$id) if($DEBUG); $clients->{$id} = $self->tx; $self->on(message => sub { my ($self, $msg) = @_; my ($name,$message) = split(/\t/,$msg); $self->app->log->debug('name: ', $name, 'message: ', $message) if($DEBUG); $name = '名無し' unless($name); my $diffusion = sub { my ($name,$message) = @_; my $dt = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Asia/Tokyo'); for (keys %$clients) { $self->app->log->debug('clients', Dumper $clients->{$_}) if($DEBUG); my $judge = ($win ne '' && exists($hand->{$_}->{hand}) && $win eq $hand->{$_}->{hand}) ? ' (あなたの勝ちです)' : ''; $clients->{$_}->send( decode_utf8(encode_json{ hms => $dt->hms, name => $name, text => $message . $judge, }) ); } }; if ($jankenStat == 1 and grep {$message eq $_} @$handArray ){ $hand->{$id} = {hand => $message, name => $name}; return 1; } $diffusion->($name,$message); if($message eq 'じゃんけん' && $jankenStat == 0){ $jankenStat = 1; Mojo::IOLoop->timer(1=> sub{ $diffusion->($cpname,'ポン'); $hand = {}; }); Mojo::IOLoop->timer(4=> sub{ $jankenStat = 0; my $r = 0; do{$hand->{'pc'}->{hand} = $handArray->[int(rand()*3)];$hand->{'pc'}->{name} = $cpname} if(keys %$hand == 1); $r |= 1 << $handItem->{$hand->{$_}->{hand}} for(keys %$hand); $win = ('','DRAW','DRAW',,$handArray->[0],'DRAW',$handArray->[2],$handArray->[1],'DRAW')[$r]; $diffusion->('判定',join('|',(map{$hand->{$_}->{name}.$hand->{$_}->{hand}} keys %$hand), qw(不明 引き分け 引き分け グーの勝ち 引き分け パーの勝ち チョキの勝ち 引き分け)[$r])); $hand = {}; }); return 1; } # チャボに話しかける --- START my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new; my $name_euc = decode_utf8($name); my $ans = $ua->get(Mojo::URL->new("$name&action=TALK&chat=$message"))->res->body; $ans =~ s|<answer>(.*)</answer>|$1|; $ans = decode('UTF-8',$ans); # チャボに話しかける --- END # チャボの話を拡散する --- START $diffusion->($cpname,$ans) if ($ans ne ''); # チャボの話を拡散する --- END }); $self->on(finish => sub { app->log->debug('Client disconnected'); delete $clients->{$id}; }); }; app->start; __DATA__ @@ index.html.ep % layout 'main'; %= javascript begin jQuery(function($) { $('#msg').focus(); // 1番下にスクロールする -- START var go_bottom = function(targetId){ var $obj = $("#" + targetId); if ($obj.length == 0) return; $obj.scrollTop($obj[0].scrollHeight); }; // 1番下にスクロールする -- END var log = function (text) { $('#log2').append(text + '<br>'); go_bottom('log2'); }; var time_line = function (){ $.ajax({ url: '/time_line', type: 'GET', dataType: 'json', success: function( data,textStatus,jqXHR){ for(let j in data){ let i = data.length - j - 1; log('[' + data[i].UPD_TIME + '] (' + data[i].name + ') ' + data[i].chat); } } }); }; var ws = new WebSocket('<%= url_for('/echo')->to_abs->scheme('ws'); %>'); ws.onopen = function () { log('Connection opened'); time_line(); }; ws.onmessage = function (msg) { var res = JSON.parse(; log('[' + res.hms + '] (' + + ') ' + res.text); }; $('#msg').keydown(function (e) { if (e.keyCode == 13 && $('#msg').val()) { ws.send($('#name').val() + "\t" + $('#msg').val()); $('#msg').val(''); } }); $('#janken').click(function (e) { ws.send($('#name').val() + "\t" + 'じゃんけん'); }); $('#gu').click(function (e) { ws.send($('#name').val() + "\t" + '<%== $hand->[0] %>'); }); $('#choki').click(function (e) { ws.send($('#name').val() + "\t" + '<%== $hand->[1] %>'); }); $('#pa').click(function (e) { ws.send($('#name').val() + "\t" + '<%== $hand->[2] %>'); }); }); % end <h1>Mojolicious + WebSocket</h1> ここでの発言は<a href="">チャボ</a>に記憶され何処かで引用される可能性が有ります。ご注意下さい。<br /> <div class="ScrollBox" id="log2"> </div> <p>name<input type="text" id="name" /> <br />msg<input type="text" id="msg" size="80"/></p> <button type="button" id="janken">じゃんけん</button> <button type="button" id="gu"><font size=50><%== $hand->[0] %></font></button> <button type="button" id="choki"><font size=50><%== $hand->[1] %></font></button> <button type="button" id="pa"><font size=50><%== $hand->[2] %></font></button> [<%= url_for('/echo')->to_abs->scheme('ws'); %>] <div> </div> @@ layouts/main.html.ep <html> <head> <meta charset="<%= app->renderer->encoding %>"> <title>WebSocket Client</title> %= javascript '' <style type="text/css"> textarea { width: 80em; height:20em; } div.ScrollBox {overflow:auto;width:1000px;height:350px;border:1px black solid;margin:0px} </style> </head> <body><%= content %></body> </html>
- 無精・短気・傲慢