!mojoliciousのメモ mojoliciousを使って見たかったので、CGI.pmベースの[album.cgi|http://www21051ue.sakura.ne.jp/album/album/album.cgi](アルバム)をmojolicious([Photo_album|http://www21051ue.sakura.ne.jp:8080/])に書き直す事にした。 [デモ画面|http://www21051ue.sakura.ne.jp:8080/] ![tree] .[photo_album] ├── lib │  ├── album.pm │  ├── myconstant.pm │  ├── PhotoAlbum │  │  └── Example.pm │  └── PhotoAlbum.pm ├── log │  ├── development.log │  └── production.log ├── public │  ├── css │  │  ├── demo.css │  │  ├── reset.css │  │  └── style.css │  ├── images │  │  ├── 10.jpg │  │  ├── 11.jpg │  │  ├── hide.png │  │  └── show.png │  ├── img │  │  ├── 10.jpg │  │  ├── 11.jpg │  │  ├── hide.png │  │  └── show.png │  ├── index2.html │  ├── index3.html │  └── js │   ├── jquery.montage.js │   ├── jquery.montage.js.bak │   ├── jquery.montage.min.js │   └── jquery.montage.min.js.bak ├── script │  ├── hypnotoad.pid │  └── photo_album ├── t │  └── basic.t └── templates ├── example │  ├── next.html.ep │  ├── onepic.html.ep │  └── welcome.html.ep ├── index.html.ep └── layouts └── default.html.ep !!SOURCE !photo_album/lib/PhotoAlbum.pm package PhotoAlbum; use utf8; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious'; use album; # This method will run once at server start sub startup { my $self = shift; $self->attr( album => sub { album->new() } ); # Documentation browser under "/perldoc" $self->plugin('PODRenderer'); # Router my $r = $self->routes; # Normal route to controller $r->get('/')->to('example#welcome'); $r->get('/onepic')->to('example#onepic'); $r->post('/upload')->to('example#upload'); $r->post('/edit')->to('example#edit'); $r->get('/next')->to('example#next'); $r->get('/flick')->to('example#flick'); } 1; !photo_album/lib/album.pm package album; use strict; use utf8; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller'; use myconstant; my $cons = myconstant->new(); my $imagedir = $cons->{imagedir}; my $img = $cons->{img}; my $max_size = $cons->{max_size}; my $img_size = $cons->{img_size}; my $item_count = $cons->{item_count}; my $real = 'public'; sub rotate { my ( $s, $c ) = @_; my $filename = $c->param('_name'); if ( $filename ne '' ) { if ( $c->param('_action') =~ /^\d{1,3}$/ ) { system( "/usr/bin/mogrify -rotate @{[$c->param('_action')]} $real/$img/$filename" ); system( "/usr/bin/mogrify -rotate @{[$c->param('_action')]} $real/$imagedir/$filename" ); } elsif ( $c->param('_action') eq 'touch' ) { system("/usr/bin/touch $real/$img/$filename"); system("/usr/bin/touch $real/$imagedir/$filename"); } } } sub get_images { my $s = shift; my $opt = shift || ''; my $st = shift || 0; my $items = shift || $item_count; my @files = $s->images_select( $st, $item_count, $s->get_images_sort() ); my $text = join( "\n", map { qq{ } } @files ); return $text; } sub get_images_sort { my $s = shift; opendir my $dh, "$real/$imagedir" or die "Can't open $real/$imagedir"; my @files = map { $_->[0] } sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } map { [ $_, -M "$real/$imagedir/$_" ] } grep { !/(hide\.png|show\.png|arrow.*\.png|black\.png)/ } grep { -s "$real/$imagedir/$_" != 0 } grep ( /^[^.]/, readdir $dh ); return @files; } sub images_select { my $s = shift; my ( $next, $item, @files ) = @_; my $i = -1; my $st = $next * $item; my @select = (); SELECT: for (@files) { $i++; next SELECT if $i < $st; last SELECT if ( $i >= ( $next + 1 ) * $item ); push @select, $_; } return @select; } sub flick{ my ($s,$r) = @_; my $flick = { "name" => $s->get_next_image($r,$r->param('_count')), "preload" => $s->get_next_image($r,$r->param('_count')*3), }; return $flick; } sub get_next_image{ my $s = shift; my $r = shift; my $count = shift; my $file = $r->param('_name'); $file =~ s|.*?([^/]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9]*)(\?.*)*$|$1|; my @files = $s->get_images_sort(); my $i = $s->search_index($file,@files); $i += $count; $i -= ($#files + 1) if($i > $#files); my $img = "$img/$files[$i]"; return $img; } sub preload{ my $s = shift; my $name = shift; my @files = get_images_sort(); $name =~ s|.*?([^/]+\.[a-zA-Z]*)(\?.*)*$|$1|; my $i = $s->search_index($name,@files); my $text = "\n"; return $text; } sub search_index{ my ($s,$item,@arry) = @_; my $i = 0; for(@arry){ if($item eq $_){ return $i; } $i++; } return; } sub up_load { my $s = shift; my $upload = shift; my $filename = $upload->filename; $filename = $ENV{REMOTE_USER} . "_" . $upload->filename if ( $ENV{REMOTE_USER} ); $upload->move_to("$real/$img/$filename"); if($filename =~ /(.*)\.mp4/i){ my $outfile = "$1_mp4.jpg"; system("ffmpeg -i $real/$img/$filename -vframes 1 $real/$imagedir/$outfile"); $filename = $outfile; }else{ my $size = -s "$real/$img/$filename"; if ( $size > $max_size ) { system( "convert -resize @{[int($img_size / $size * 100)]}% $real/$img/$filename $real/$imagedir/$filename" ); } else { system("cp $real/$img/$filename $real/$imagedir/$filename"); } } return $filename; } sub put_inner { my $s = shift; return $cons->{inner}; } sub imgTag{ my $s = shift; my $file = shift; my $text; if($file =~ /(.*)_mp4.jpg$/){ $text = <

TAG_END }else{ $text = < TAG_END } return $text; } 1; !photo_album/lib/myconstant.pm package myconstant; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = bless {}, $class; $self->_initalize; return $self; } sub _initalize{ my $s = shift; $s->{pub} = 'public/'; $s->{css} = 'css/'; $s->{js} = 'js/'; $s->{imagedir} = 'images'; $s->{img} = 'img'; $s->{max_size} = 500_000; $s->{img_size} = 100_000; $s->{item_count} = 20; $s->{inner} = <Automatic Image Montage with jQuery

Fullscreen liquid example with alternating heights, last image will fill the last row. Refresh the browser to see a different arrangement.

View the options for this example
 fillLastRow	: true,
 alternateHeight	: true,
 alternateHeightRange : {
 	min	: 90,
 	max	: 240
End_Text } 1; !photo_album/lib/PhotoAlbum/Example.pm package PhotoAlbum::Example; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller'; # This action will render a template sub welcome { my $self = shift; # Render template "example/welcome.html.ep" with message $self->render( message => 'Welcome to the Mojolicious real-time web framework!'); } sub onepic { my $self = shift; $self->render('example/onepic'); } sub upload { my $self = shift; my $name = $self->app->album->up_load($self->param('image')); $self->param('_name',$name); $self->render('example/onepic'); } sub edit { my $self = shift; $self->app->album->rotate($self); $self->render('example/onepic'); } sub next{ my $self = shift; $self->render('example/next'); } sub flick{ my $self = shift; my $json = $self->app->album->flick($self); $self->render(json => $json); } 1; !photo_album/templates/example/welcome.html.ep album <%= stylesheet '/css/style.css' %>
% # @{[$cgi->param('_action')]} % # @{[up_load_form()]}
<%== app->album->put_inner %>
<%== app->album->get_images('',0,25) %>
load more...
<%= javascript '/js/jquery.montage.min.js' %> !photo_album/templates/example/onepic.html.ep album
<%== "
" x 5 %>
%= form_for edit => (method => 'post') => begin %= hidden_field '_name' => <%= param '_name' %= submit_button '90',name =>'_action',style =>'width:30px' %= submit_button '270',name =>'_action',style =>'width:30px' %= submit_button 'touch',name =>'_action',style =>'width:50px' % end
<%== app->album->get_images('width=80px height=120px',0,9999) %>
<%== app->album->imgTag(param '_name') %> %# @{[imgTag($cgi->param('_name'))]} %# %# %# <%== app->album->preload(param '_name') %> !photo_album/templates/example/next.html.ep album <%== app->album->get_images('',param('_count') ) %> !サンプル {{ref_image Screenshot_from_2013-10-19 09:19:12.png}}